Welcome to Nohooks Documentation to learn how to connect your services/accounts and start receiving webhook events. Nohooks is an unofficial service that generates webhook events by polling the public APIs of your favourite services/accounts. It does not create nor update any resource, simply retrieving records, determining changes and pushing webhook events to your configured endpoints. Behind the scenes, the webhooks are powered by Convoy.

Table of Content

Getting Started

  1. Register with Google OAuth.

  2. Connect Render/Notion

    1. You need to create an API Key in your Render account and add that to your Render Connection setting to connect Render.
    2. To connect Notion, complete the following:
      1. Connection your Notion workspace and Database with our Notion OAuth flow. Please make sure to select all the databases you want to listen to changes from in this step, or else subsequent steps will fail.
      2. Copy Database ID. Because Notion does not provide an API to retrieve all databases, an integration can access them. You’ll need to copy the database ID and input it into the Connection setting for Notion. See here for how to retrieve your Database ID.
    3. You need to create an access token in your DigitalOcean, set the scopes to Read, and enter the key in the Connection setting to connect DigitalOcean.
  3. Add a destination endpoint.

    Before you start seeing any events, you’ll need to add a destination endpoint. Do the following:

    1. Click on View Events on your newly created Connection.
    2. Click on Add Endpoint, and add your endpoint, and secret.
  4. Profit 🎉

Supported Platforms/Events

Today, we support three platforms: DigitalOcean, Notion and Render. See the supported events on each platform:

If you like to request new platforms, feel free to reach us at [email protected] or join our slack community to chat with us.

How does it work?

Essentially, Nohooks is an intelligent polling system. For each of the supported platforms, we require an API Key or an Access Token, depending on the app’s requirements, to access the API on behalf of our users. We then begin to poll the APIs at an interval to determine changes to your account’s resources and generate webhook payloads out of that.

All webhooks are signed and securely delivered to your endpoints through Convoy Cloud. Note that you do not need to have a Convoy account to use Nohooks. Read the guide below to connect accounts.

Use Cases

  1. With Render Webhook Events, you can hook into the lifecycle of your services and service deployments to perform post-deployment actions, trigger continuous delivery pipelines etc.